No need for writing a report on paper. No need for taking photos with your phone. And no risk of your crew being in doubt about which tasks to perform where.
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A study from Deloitte confirms how Boeing increased their productivity by 25% in wiring harness assembly by having more effective guidance using mixed reality instructions. Furthermore, error rates decreased by up to 10%.

Virtual and efficient knowledge sharing
Tutorio ensures that your information or instructions are right where your customers or colleagues need them. No need to search the office or the internet for manuals or the entire warehouse for spare parts. You have your hands free to perform the tasks while getting the instructions step-by-step in mixed reality. The result is more efficient work and fewer mistakes.
Tutorio ensures that your information or instructions are right where your customers or colleagues need them. No need to search the office or the internet for manuals or the entire warehouse for spare parts. You have your hands free to perform the tasks while getting the instructions step-by-step in mixed reality. The result is more efficient work and fewer mistakes.
Increased efficiency and reduced cost
Research shows that providing instructions and information through mixed reality reduces cost, leads to fewer mistakes and increases efficiency.
Tutorio makes it easier than ever to create virtual instructions wherever information needs to be shared, or instructions need to be followed: On a construction site, in a production hall, in the engine room or in the office, to name a few.

Research shows that providing instructions and information through mixed reality reduces cost, leads to fewer mistakes and increases efficiency.
Tutorio makes it easier than ever to create virtual instructions wherever information needs to be shared, or instructions need to be followed: On a construction site, in a production hall, in the engine room or in the office, to name a few.

Advanced instructions created in minutes
With Tutorio, you can create mixed reality instructions and tutorials to help customers and colleagues troubleshoot any equipment or product line, change components, or complete complicated tasks.
You can make your own tutorials directly in the HoloLens in minutes. No computer or any other equipment is required, and you can easily attach text, photo, video and hand-drawn annotations to each step in your instructions.
With Tutorio, you can create mixed reality instructions and tutorials to help customers and colleagues troubleshoot any equipment or product line, change components, or complete complicated tasks.
You can make your own tutorials directly in the HoloLens in minutes. No computer or any other equipment is required, and you can easily attach text, photo, video and hand-drawn annotations to each step in your instructions.
Easy editing via your web browser
All content created in Tutorio is stored on Azure Cloud and accessible to all users signed in to your corporate account. You can even edit the content you have created via a web browser on your computer. You can update text and replace or add photos and videos. And you can of course manage and add users.

All content created in Tutorio is stored on Azure Cloud and accessible to all users signed in to your corporate account. You can even edit the content you have created via a web browser on your computer. You can update text and replace or add photos and videos. And you can of course manage and add users.

Built on Microsoft Azure
Tutorio is built with advanced Microsoft Azure Cloud services, ensuring a high degree of security and scalability. Users simply log into Tutorio with their Microsoft for Business account. No need for creating and managing users and passwords separately.
Tutorio is built with advanced Microsoft Azure Cloud services, ensuring a high degree of security and scalability. Users simply log into Tutorio with their Microsoft for Business account. No need for creating and managing users and passwords separately.

Create step-by-step virtual instructions in a physical space

Add text with speech-to-text translation

Take photos and record videos

Draw annotations by hand

Share instructions with your colleagues automatically

Follow instructions created by your colleagues

Update and manage content and users via your web browser
To develop a tutorial or leave information for the next user in Tutorio, you simply define the process step-by-step.
For each step, you can leave descriptions – for instance you can draw a circle to show where to find a specific object, you can put numbers to show in which order to remove certain objects, or you can pin a video with instructions in the viewing field of the next user.
You define the steps using hand gestures or voice commands.
When the next user puts on the HoloLens and opens Tutorio, all they have to do is follow your tutorial step-by-step. If the next step is not within their field of sight, arrows will guide them in the right direction.
Ready to give it try? The free trial has all the features of the paid version and will last 30 days. After the free trial, you can choose the subscription model that fits your needs.
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