On complex multi-shift maintenance tasks, the service technician can use Tutorio to document the task status and provide visual easy-to-follow instructions on how to complete the task for the technician who takes over.

With Tutorio, you can introduce new employees to the company’s ways of working.
It can be information about complex machinery in a standardized way, instructions for processes or learn about work in the other departments.
The new employee can also use Tutorio to visit the various departments in a building and learn how to navigate around the site, where to find spare parts, the cantina, etc.

Tutorio can guide the operator on tasks that need to be performed during a batch change to meet all regulations. Including how to clear the line of leftover material and how to start the next batch.
Gives even less experienced teams the power of making a safe and correct batch change.

An inspector can use Tutorio to register issues at a site or on a piece of equipment. All issues are easily captured and explained with photos, videos, annotations and voice-to-text.
The person who needs to fix the issues are guided to the exact locations and get a clear explanation of what needs be fixed.
No need to take notes on paper or file a report.

At offshore wind farms, solar farms, future energy islands, and other green tech installations, maintenance staff is often operating independently and far away from colleagues that can help.
With Tutorio, the maintenance staff can get specific guidance and reduce the need for live, personal guidance.
Employees can with Tutorio on HoloLens create and follow virtual instructions anchored in a physical space.

All machinery (production lines, ship engines, etc.) require regular maintenance. With Tutorio, the machine manufacturer can provide easy-to-follow instructions on maintenance tasks ensuring that they are performed correctly.
This will lead to optimal uptime on the machine and efficient work processes.

With Tutorio, instructions can be created in a matter of a few minutes. This enables use cases where someone needs to perform a new task that they will only perform once.
For instance, a plumber going to a company site needs to understand how to turn the advanced alarm system on and off. Or an alarm installer need information before installing a specific company solution.

At technical schools the teachers spend a lot of time introducing students to the different types of equipment in the workshop.
With Tutorio, they can provide these introduction sthrough the HoloLens to free up time for the teacher and give the students more flexibility.

With Tutorio, a supplier of advanced equipment can include troubleshooting tutorials that can be accessed instantly and are easy to follow for operators.
Saves the operator time and the manufacturer will receive less calls to customer support and fewer requested support visits.
Tutorio replaces the manual and other how-to guides for most frequent use cases or troubleshooting incidents.

Many production facilities, hospitals etc. have very detailed and strict requirements for how cleaning must be performed.
With Tutorio, cleaning personnel can be guided on every step in the cleaning process down to the smallest detail, making sure they never miss an important spot or use the wrong cleaning agents.